Love Notions Vivace Dolman

Which comes first, the pattern or the fabric?  For me, it's usually the pattern. Either a style catches my eye and I need a pattern to duplicate it, or, there is a new pattern release and I can see the garment hanging in my closet.  There are lots of great fabric sites online and it's been a long time since I only had Joanne's and Hancock Fabrics to choose from.

One of my favorites has quickly become LaFinch Fabrics has become one of my top go to's for quality fabrics.  You may recall the fabric for my Rhapsody Blouse that came from their site as well. So it may not come as a surprise when I found this fabric and knew I had to make something with it:

The description when I saw it online read:

A beautiful floral rayon challis with hues of cream, olive, mauve, and burgundy


This was one of their remnants and had 3.5 yards so I knew I could easily make something from it.

As always, the fabric was sent promptly. I washed it and put it on the shelf, ready for the inspiration.

It didn't come quickly. I just couldn't pull the trigger on something specific (and NOT because of a lack of patterns to choose from in my collection!).

Two weeks ago, LoveNotions released Vivace Dolman.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I was completely uninspired by the line drawings. It wasn't bad, it was just...meh. For some reason, the pattern flat just didn't spark my creativity.

But then Karina at Lifting Pins and Needles posted both a tunic and a dress on the FaceBook LoveNotions group and I really liked it.  She also posted an excellent tutorial on her YouTube channel and I decided to give it a go.

Despite really liking her tunic and dress, I decided to go with the blouse. I know. I've made a lot of blouses lately.  But I just did a very bold navy floral dress I'll be posting here soon and I just didn't need another dark floral dress.  Surprisingly, I don't have any floral tops (stay tuned for a fabric haul which may change that fact in the distant future...)

My completed shirt!  The neckline isn't wavy on, but I couldn't get it to cooperate on the mannequin.  I need to move my dress form to an area that gets better light because I keep getting a lot of shadows. This blouse is so comfortable and I absolutely love it made up in this fabric!!

I am definitely going to try this in a knit fabric as well.  Both for myself and my daughter. I found some great tie-dye fabric in a knit for her. It will give her a "dressier"  knit shirt in a tie-dye print that she will love.  For myself, I have a beautiful cobalt blue double knit that I think would look great in this pattern.

I don't think you can see how pretty the neckline is because of the fabric, but I was very pleased with it.
I tacked down my sleeve at the shoulder seam. The rayon challis is a great flowy fabric but clearly doesn't have enough body for the sleeve to remain folds up on its own. This dolman sleeve style is SO comfortable, I completely understand why it's a popular style right now!!


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